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Cynthia Stacey

Cynthia is originally from St. John's Newfoundland (fondly known as 'The Rock') and currently resides in Kingston Ontario. She has four girls Rachelle, Kristen, Rebecca and Amanda, who are a great inspiration to her writing for Young Adults. Cynthia likes to write stories inspired from her real life, like the time she got sucked into an alternate universe and came across a colony of Demons who nearly captured her for nefarious reasons given her purity of heart. She narrowly escaped death when she found her inner Witch and destroyed the Demons with her Power and escaped.

Ok as we know cynthia is firmly entrenched in the world of fantasy and paranormal. She believes in all things Magical; fairies, witches, dragons and evil little critters that live in the walls. She wrote her first novel The Witch Guardian trying to convince her little ones that magic was real. With much success she has hopefully created future generations of fantasy authors.

Cynthia is currently being haunted by a slightly demented, friendly ghost whom she has yet to determine if it has good or evil intentions.

“Magic must have meaning to hold power. You must believe in yourmagic or it is useless. Focus is the key. Focus your mind and your spirit.You must have a strong will to do what you must. Doubt causes weakness.Weakness causes doubt. Fear cripples us. Believe in your power and youwill become powerful.”
Cynthia Stacey
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“I knew cats were demon creatures”
Cynthia Stacey
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“Half witch half demon my blood is the key.”
Cynthia Stacey
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