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Dan Hurwitz

Dan Hurwitz graduated from Washington University, St. Louis with a B. S. in Structural Engineering (science and engineering honor societies). Following graduation, he served as a reserve officer in the US Navy aboard ship in the Korean War.

In 1970 he and his wife, Camilla, formed On-Line Data, Inc., a computer software shop offering a proprietary set of award-winning programs for the construction industry.

The Hurwitzs have three children and eight grandchildren. Currently he serves on the board of the Writers’ Guild of Texas in Dallas.

Since his retirement from On-Line, Hurwitz has devoted his time to writing. His articles have appeared in Liberty Magazine, The Independent Review, and the World Future Society. Since 2009, he has maintained a literary e-quarterly blog, www.writersnotebook.org, that is now read in over eighty countries. In 2012 he self-published Homage to Luxenben, Adventures on a Utopian Planet.

January, 2013

“[man] "I had no idea becoming an animal was this much bother."[Luxander} "You've always been one, sir. It's making you an honest one that's creating the difficulty.”
Dan Hurwitz
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“We're [Luxenbenites] not talking about the emotional drivel your romanticists have fantasized. We're talking about nature's actual laws. The hard and fast rules every species has to observe. The ones you've so scrupulously ignored.”
Dan Hurwitz
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“But don't you also find it hard to accept that your [mankind's] attempts to solve your problems fail with predictable regularity? It seems to us [Luxenbenites] you would welcome an overall solution.”
Dan Hurwitz
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