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Dana Mason

Dana Mason started writing about ten years ago after being overwhelmed by a story that wouldn’t let her sleep until she wrote it down. The story, Dangerous Embrace, was published in 2012 and won Best Mystery/Suspense from eFestival of Words Best of Independent eBook Awards in 2014. Dangerous Embrace is the first book in her Embrace Series. The second book in the series, Precious Embrace, was Runner-Up for Best Hero from eFestival of Words Best of Independent eBook Awards, that same year. Her third book, Broken Embrace, was awarded Best Indie Book in 2015 in the Romance Category.

Dana loves turning your worst nightmares into happy endings. She lives in Northern California with her husband, children, and her writing companion and mighty protector, Mia the Chihuahua.

“I love you Mark. You gave me my life back.”
Dana Mason
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“I promise to always be here when you wake up.”
Dana Mason
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“You should be able to have everything you want… you should be a mommy and a wife and you shouldn’t have to live with your life being threatened at every turn.”
Dana Mason
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“I handed him my heart, soul, and spirit on a silver platter and he crushed them into a million pieces.”
Dana Mason
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“You can’t understand what it’s like to have the choice taken away, a man forcing himself on you. Not caring if you want or don’t want… and that powerlessness. Not being strong enough to stop – not having any control. It’s something that never goes away.”
Dana Mason
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