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Dana Stabenow

“The postmistress was a large, zaftig woman with long, grayish blond hair and a floating, floral style of dress.”
Dana Stabenow
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“Science fiction is the agent provocateur of literature.”
Dana Stabenow
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“At the moment developing a nice little inoffensive cancer somewhere on dry land seemed infinitely preferable to what she was grimly convinced was soon to be her death by drowning way too far out at sea.”
Dana Stabenow
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“Three-hour layover in Seattle. If you were flying Alaska Airlines and you wanted to go to hell you had to fly through Seattle to get there.”
Dana Stabenow
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“Over a third of the Newenhan population was under eighteen,which didn't make his job any easier, the hormonally challenged being terminally and all too often fatally prone to acts of stupidity.”
Dana Stabenow
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“Once in a while, I like to polish my halo by taking on a case pro bono.”
Dana Stabenow
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“The blogosphere rewards no-holds-barred smartassery.”
Dana Stabenow
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“She raised her head again. "Aren't you supposed to come over all manly man and forbid the little lady from taking such risks with her fragile self?" "I like my balls right where they are," he said, and she laughed and put her head back down on his chest.Kate Shugak to Jim Chopin Though Not Dead”
Dana Stabenow
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“To be a writer is to embrace rejection as a way of life.”
Dana Stabenow
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“Where were they from originally? The Seabolts?" "I don't know, Idaho, Oklahoma, Iowa. One of those red-neck states with vowels on both ends." "You mean like Alaska?”
Dana Stabenow
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“Everything change with mine, Katya.”
Dana Stabenow
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“We need more bodies, 'cause it's not looking enough like the last scene in Hamlet already. --Chopper Jim Chopin”
Dana Stabenow
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“How come you're always so mean? --Howie Katelnikof”
Dana Stabenow
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“That's some f***ing doorman you've got there, Ms. Shugak.”
Dana Stabenow
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“Suicide by Alaska.”
Dana Stabenow
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“When you put four Alaskans into a room, you have five marriages, six divorces, and seven political parties.”
Dana Stabenow
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“If cyberspace can screw with you, it will.”
Dana Stabenow
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