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Daniel Black

Daniel Black is a native of Kansas City, Kansas, yet spent the majority of his childhood years in Blackwell, Arkansas. He is an associate professor at his alma mater, Clark Atlanta University, where he now aims to provide an example to young Americans of the importance of self-knowledge and communal commitment. He is the author of "They Tell Me of a Home" and "The Sacred Place".

“Denial makes people repeat what they aren’t willing to acknowledge.”
Daniel Black
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“But remember this: you're strong because of your people - not in spite of them.”
Daniel Black
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“You have to get clear about the kind of life you can live here. Life can be lived anywhere, but not every life can be lived everywhere.”
Daniel Black
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“What he liked about the Jordan was hat no one could hinder its flow. It has a mind all its own. Other's opinions of its size or depth didn't matter. Only God possessed the power to subvert its course. Whether viewers loved it or not was inconsequential. It was a river, and it was created to flow, and that was exactly what it did. And that's all it did. That was its purpose, and no one could alter that identity regardless of what they thought.”
Daniel Black
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“Sometimes you have to grow up before you appreciate how you grew up.”
Daniel Black
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“..we all do it. We talk about people we don't like until they become famous. Then we love 'em.”
Daniel Black
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“Big don't mean ugly, and thin sho don't mean pretty. If a person wants to be pretty, they gotta walk pretty, talk pretty and act pretty. Can't nobody take pretty from you.”
Daniel Black
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“You can't lie a lifetime,son. Either you gon' tell the truth, or the truth's gon' tell on you”
Daniel Black
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“By figuring out how the experience can help you move forward. That's the point of why it happened to you in the first place. There's something you're suppose to get from the moment that'll get you closer to your mission if you can see it. Most people can't.”
Daniel Black
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“Sometimes, when people think they're putting obstacles in your path, they're actually laying your stepping-stones. You just gotta recognize them as one and the same.”
Daniel Black
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“God has a way of making sure you reach your destiny, regardless of what others do to you.”
Daniel Black
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“Don't give people god's power. Yeah, they have opinions and stuff, but they ain't got no power to change your world unless you give it to 'em. Keep the power you got. You'll need it. I promise.”
Daniel Black
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