Daniel Borough photo

Daniel Borough

If writing good fiction depends on imagination and experience then Daniel Borough is well qualified on both counts.

Daniel has worked for a variety of multinational corporates specialising in technology, but very much at the sharp end of the stick, in sales and marketing. As a result he has lived and worked internationally with people of many different cultures, and this is strongly reflected in “Poisoned Mind”.

Whilst his educational background is in clinical science, psychology is a major fascination for Daniel. This was initially because of its vital application in sales and marketing and managing teams of employees, but more recently in understanding why we do what we do. Who we are and our reactions to different situations depend greatly on our formative years, past experience and repeating learned behaviour. It is easy to categorise people into good or evil, thoughtful or selfish etc. But in reality most of us are capable of both. These shades of grey can make for much less predictable plots and more compelling characters.

Poisoned Mind is Daniel’s debut novel but his website, www.danielborough.com showcases some of his earlier work as he evolved as a writer. It is interesting to see the “evolution of the writer” as he experimented and found his “voice”.

Poisoned Mind is the first of several writing projects that Daniel plans to publish and the next one, with a working title of “The Killer” is scheduled to follow in late 2012.

Daniel now lives in rural England, with his long suffering wife and two cats.

“my new website is now live on www.danielborough.com There are free short stories to download on it. Have fun!”
Daniel Borough
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