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Daniel G. Amen

The Washington Post called Dr. Daniel Amen the most popular psychiatrist in America and Sharecare.com named him the web's most influential expert and advocate on mental health.

Daniel Amen is a life-long Christian and graduate of Oral Roberts University School of Medicine. He is a double board-certified psychiatrist and multiple NY Times bestselling author, with such blockbuster books as Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Healing ADD, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, and The Daniel Plan, co-authored by Pastor Rick Warren and Dr. Mark Hyman. In November 2016, he and his wife Tana published The Brain Warrior's Way.

Dr. Amen is the founder of Amen Clinics, which has 6 locations across the United States. Amen Clinics has the world's largest database of brain scans related to behavior, totaling more than 125,000 SPECT scans on patients from 111 countries.

Dr. Amen's research team has published more than 70 scientific articles on a wide variety of topics related to brain health. He is the lead researcher on the largest brain imaging study on active and retired NFL players and was a consultant on the movie Concussion starring Will Smith. In 2016, Discover Magazine named his brain imaging work for psychiatric diagnoses as one of the top 100 stories in all of science.

Dr. Amen has also hosted 11 national public television shows about the brain, which have aired more than 80,000 times across North America and raised more than 75 million dollars for stations.

You can connect with Dr. Amen on Facebook and Twitter

“Your brain is the organ of your personality, character, andintelligence and is heavily involved in making you who you are.”
Daniel G. Amen
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“Your brain is involved in everything you do.Your brain controls everything you do, feel, and think. When you look in themirror, you can thank your brain for what you see. Ultimately, it is your brain thatdetermines whether your belly bulges over your belt buckle or your waistline is trim andtoned. Your brain plays the central role in whether your skin looks fresh and dewy or isetched with wrinkles. Whether you wake up feeling energetic or groggy depends on yourbrain. When you head to the kitchen to make breakfast, it is your brain that determineswhether you go for the leftover pizza or the low-fat yogurt and fruit. Your brain controlswhether you hit the gym or sit at the computer to check your Facebook page. If you feelthe need to light up a cigarette or drink a couple cups of java, that's also your brain'sdoing.ACTION STEP Remember that your brain is involved in everything you do, everydecision you make, every bite of food you take, every cigarette you smoke, everyworrisome thought you have, every workout you skip, every alcoholic beverage youdrink, and more.”
Daniel G. Amen
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“It is your brain that decides to get you out of bed in the morning to exercise, togive you a stronger, leaner body, or to cause you to hit the snooze button andprocrastinate your workout. It is your brain that pushes you away from the table tellingyou that you have had enough, or that gives you permission to have the second bowl ofRocky Road ice cream, making you look and feel like a blob. It is your brain thatmanages the stress in your life and relaxes you so that you look vibrant, or, when leftunchecked, sends stress signals to the rest of your body and wrinkles your skin. And it isyour brain that turns away cigarettes, too much caffeine, and alcohol, helping you lookand feel healthy, or that gives you permission to smoke, to have that third cup of coffee,or to drink that third glass of wine, thus making every system in your body look and feelolder.Your brain is the command and control center of your body. If you want a betterbody, the first place to ALWAYS start is by having a better brain.”
Daniel G. Amen
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“Most people throughout the world, not just inNewport Beach, care more about their faces, their boobs, their bellies, their butts, andtheir abs than they do their brains. But it is your brain that is the key to having the face,the breasts, the belly, the butt, the abs, and the overall health you have always wanted;and it is brain dysfunction, in large part, that ruins our bodies and causes prematureaging.”
Daniel G. Amen
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