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daniel kine

“It was as if knowing that I had to leave revealed something to me that only [he] could explain. But everything felt wrong. In the dim-blue daybreak I began seeing the the entire world reversed and spinning through a deserted tunnel of falsity and sorrow.”
daniel kine
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“I remembered how is disheartening and dreadful when you're seeing it for the first time. I thought of my parents and the town where I was born, and suddenly everything around me seemed less real.”
daniel kine
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“I wanted to mend the entire world all at once, but in such longings found that I'd already caused too much harm.”
daniel kine
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“Even the few days I spend reminiscing in Mexico City seem like memories or dreams. Everything looks different and backward without [him] and his uncertainties. I could have even stayed at the same hotels, in the same rooms even, yet would have never known the difference. Traffic and weather seem painted onto this dull grey canvas of highway, detached from any near past. Nietzsche calls it the separation of body and soul - the improbability of two separate worlds. I was incapable of fitting in anywhere. I was in search of expiation. I would never find it - it had never been there.”
daniel kine
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“I knew myself to be in need of not one solution of any caliber, but of an endless string of short-term remedies. Just as soon as I'd become acquainted with anything, it just as quickly became useless to me. ”
daniel kine
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“It seemed not only as though they had everything figured out but were balancing it in their palms as well. The world was borrowing its time from them in order for anything outside of their lives to take place.”
daniel kine
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