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Daniel McHugh


Daniel McHugh was born on 7-17-1966 as the 7th child of William and Janis McHugh. He was born at 7:07 a.m. on the 7th floor of Little Company of Mary Hospital and weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces. Therefore, his lucky number is quite understandably 13.

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“You are blessed with a knack for sucking the wonder out of the extraordinary.”
Daniel McHugh
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“Why all this death?You might as easily ask ‘Why all this life?’.”
Daniel McHugh
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“(Evil people) do not believe in forgiveness. Their transgressions are either punished or not punished. That is the only result that matters.”
Daniel McHugh
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“Fate is a tricky animal. Those who believe they harness it, often find a difficult beast to master.”
Daniel McHugh
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“At least he possessed enough sense to recognize how little sense he possessed.”
Daniel McHugh
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“A man without equals is a dangerous man indeed. He must exercise the most difficult of attributes, restraint.”
Daniel McHugh
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“Those of strong character and training are chosen by fate. They cannot help but rise to the forefront when their nations are troubled.”
Daniel McHugh
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