Daniel Nayeri is a writer and editor in New York City. He wrote and produced The Cult of Sincerity, the first feature film to be world-premiered by YouTube. He has had all kinds of jobs around books, including book repairman, literary agent, used bookstore clerk, children's librarian, Official Story-Time Reader Leader, editor, copy-editor, and even carpenter (making bookshelves). He's also a professional pastry chef. He loves Street Fighter 2, hates the word "foodie," and is an award-winning stuntman.
Daniel and his sister/co-writer Dina were both born in Iran and spent many young adult years in Europe. There they learned several languages between them and tried Frosted Flakes for the first time.
“I know lots of things you don't""Name five.""The Grand Unification Theory, tax law, binary, the capital of Azerbailan, and how tractors work.”
“What are you giving him?"Nicola Vileroy tilted her head... " Something to mesmerize and delight him. Something absolutely ethereal that would capture his imagination and not let go. ""Ooh, Nintendo, how lovely!”
“Guilt is a useless feeling. It's never enough to make you change direction--only enough to make you useless.”
“If you don't get caught, you deserve everything you steal.”
“Learning is an assignment you give yourself.”
“It's not worth losing your soul to win a guy.”
“The world is full of stupid people. That's why we have rules. But with enough intelligence, a person can be above the rules. She can make rules.”
“If it looks real and feels real, do you think it matters if it's real?”
“In this life, you have winners and losers. the more you win, the higher you go.”
“You obviously don't have my soul or you wouldn't be trying to make deals.”
“The tree leaves rustled like that noise e-books make when you turn the page.”
“What makes you think the devil is a he?”
“Waiters are the help, dear. It's like falling in love with a blender!”
“Maybe it was a storybook beginning.”
“If you imagine someone watching you all the time, even when you think you're alone, seeing every time you make a face, that someone would know more about you than you think.”
“Because you don't spend so many decades in someone's house without knowing their game.”
“Do you know what makes someone beautiful? Confidence. You don't have to have this shape eyes or that shape lips. No one seems to be able to decide which shape is best anyway. You can have every kind of blemish. It's confidence that attracts people. That's what everybody's looking for. It's what no potion can really give you. And believe me, Belle, you've got it. You've got it if you want it.”
“Because some things that seem unimportant now can change the course of human history -- and I am a student of human history.”
“You see, Valentin, there is no such thing as time. It's just a road, a path to travel on. Most of the world is on a train, traveling forward all the time, speeding toward death, with a set schedule and someone else in charge.”
“Human history is full of great men, great women, individuals, with the will for power - all of them with governesses like her.”
“I think the biggest lie the devil ever told was that beauty and goodness are the same.”
“You're so stupid, sometimes.""You're stupid.""Moooom!"This book is dedicated to our mom.”