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Daniel Schwabauer

“Always give your reader credit for being smart enough to figure out what you want to say.”
Daniel Schwabauer
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“It takes an enormous amount of work to complete a novel, and each of the students who completed the course has accomplished something many people only dream about.”
Daniel Schwabauer
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“You may be running short of create juice because you mind isn't interested. Eddie isn't naping because he's tired; he's napping because he's bored out of his mind. Drool is running down his chin. So wake him up. BAM! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM, EDDIE?! THERE'S A BODY ON THE KITCHEN TABLE?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!Eddie will jump out of his recliner in a panic. WHAT? A BODY?! AN EXPLOSION? WHY WOULD THE HOUSE EXPLODE? WHAT'S GOIND ON?!”
Daniel Schwabauer
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