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Daniel Simons

Dan Simons is a professor in the Department of Psychology and the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois. He earned his BA in psychology and cognitive science from Carleton College and his PhD in experimental psychology from Cornell University. He then spent five years on the faculty at Harvard University before moving to Illinois in 2002.

Simons's scholarly research focuses on the limits of human perception, memory, and awareness, and he is best known for his research showing that people are far less aware of their visual surroundings than they think. His studies and demonstrations have been exhibited in more than a dozen science museums worldwide.

In his spare time, he enjoys juggling, bridge, and chess.

“people will focus on procedures and not notice anything that isn't just part of the procedures”
Daniel Simons
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“We pay attention to what we are told to attend to, or what we're looking for, or what we already know...what we see is amazingly limited.”
Daniel Simons
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