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Daniel Xiao Wang

Writing is the ultimate reflection of yourself, Cervantes said that "every production must resemble its author." I find it a great mystery then that my writing-- and I know I am not the only one-- is completely foreign to who I am when I am not writing.

Really, I don't skin people alive or summon demons, I promise.

Sometimes the mirror of who we are reflects what we are not. In delving into that which we are not we better discover what we really are.

Me, I'm a father of three wonderful children, a self-proclaimed scholar, a mentor and a teacher. I have a background in finance and sales. I speak a little Chinese (hence my name) and Spanish.

I am a member of the Cape Coral Creative Writers group which I thank for keeping me motivated and working. I taught International Politics for 14 years.

And now I write creepy and suspenseful things to keep myself sane and to keep you entertained.

“That's a demon for you. Wants me dead but wants to be sure that he is the one who does me in.”
Daniel Xiao Wang
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“I was a puzzle. An enigma. I was nothing. And then I was again.”
Daniel Xiao Wang
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“There was no bang, no light at the end of a tunnel. I didn't feel pain or even numb, and Sirius was right, it was quicker and easier than falling asleep”
Daniel Xiao Wang
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“Utopia never really is. And the perfection we seek will always disappoint.”
Daniel Xiao Wang
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