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Danielle Laporte

Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.”

The former director of a future studies think tank in Washington, DC, where she managed a team creating global scenarios. She now speaks about the intelligence of the heart.

Her most recent book, "How To Be Loving…when your heart is breaking open and the world is waking up" is also an Audiobook + ebook, with a companion deck and journal. Danielle is also the author of The Fire Starter Sessions, The Desire Map, White Hot Truth, and producer of dozens of online programs for spiritual support.

Danielle is the creator of the Heart Centered Membership and the Heart Centered Leaders Program with 400+ leaders in 30 countries hosting conversation circles, retreats, and workshops in all kinds of communities and businesses.

Her podcast, WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, often ranks in iTunes’ top 10 for wellness. Most of her offerings—from the Heart Centered Membership to her online classes—are on a pay what you choose basis. Named one of the Top 100 Websites for Women by Forbes, millions of people a month visit DanielleLaPorte.com.

Marianne Williamson refers to Danielle “as a bright light.” V (formerly known as Eve Ensler) calls her “a force field of energy, wonder, humour, and love.”

Her charities of choice are Ally Global Foundation, helping survivors of human trafficking to rebuild their lives (@allyglobal), Trees Sisters’ reforestation projects (@treesisters_official), and VDay, a movement to end violence against women and girls (vdayorg).

She lives in Vancouver, BC. You can find her on most places on social media @daniellelaporte.

#daniellelaporte #howtobeloving #heartcentered

“Care more about being accurately and precisely who you are, than caring what someone might think about you. Be daring enough to tell us--your customers, your fans, your people--about your deep desires and ambitions, because we?ll be the ones to help you fulfill them. You don't have to be fearless. Just be sincere.”
Danielle Laporte
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“We must have the daring to be nothing but ourselves if we are to know what true power is.”
Danielle Laporte
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