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Danielle Weiler

“How I ever could have thought he was boring or easy was beyond me’ (Daisy, 'Friendship on Fire', p. 471).”
Danielle Weiler
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“You will do well in everything you seek out to do…because you don’t give up. Others make mistakes, fall down, lose heart, and you do too, but you don’t give up. You don’t lose yourself in the process. You keep moving forward and pushing for only the very best’ (Miss Shaw to Daisy, 'Friendship on Fire', p. 446)”
Danielle Weiler
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“You independent women these days don't need to play by the old rules anymore. Embrace it. Chase your man. But be sensible.' (Daisy's Nanna, 'Friendship on Fire', p. 400)”
Danielle Weiler
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“Everyone starts out with a clean slate to soil.' (Daisy, 'Friendship on Fire', p. 280)”
Danielle Weiler
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“Teenagers are in the throes of learning the biggest lesson of all: life isn’t simple, it isn’t black and white. It’s multiple and varied shades of grey. If you mix these shades of grey you might end up getting close to black or white, but in the end, it’s the darkening of themselves around the edges and the ways in which they bend and break that will make them more wholesome people; people that others will want to be around and who will contribute greatly to society when given the awesome opportunity.”
Danielle Weiler
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