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Danny Scheinmann

DANNY SCHEINMANN is a writer, actor and storyteller. He lives in London with his wife and three children.

"Random Acts of Heroic Love" was in the Sunday Times Top Ten Bestsellers for 6 weeks and has now been translated into 21 languages.

His new novel "The Half Life of Joshua Jones" is out in paperback on June 1st. Published by Unbound.


“How simple and fragile life is.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“Sometimes it is easier not to know and live with hope than it is to know and live with the truth.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“Find your happiness now, and if you happen to find your love you will double it.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“One day a man sees the sun setting and decides that his fortune is where the sun touches the land. He sets off towards it. He walks and walks and walks, and after a long time he arrives back in the village where he started. He has travelled the globe but when his friends ask him to describe the wonders of the world he is unable to reply, for his eyes have been blinded by the sun.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“And there, surrounded by death above and below, he sticks his tongue out and tastes the sweetness of life.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“Happiness is a choice and not a function of ambition.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“We define ourselves by comparing ourselves to the things around us. But what if all those things against which you compare yourself weren't there. How tall would you be then?”
Danny Scheinmann
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“If you see yourself as a vital part of a holistic universe then any battle is ultimately against yourself.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“You are literally made of stardust and whatever becomes of you the particles from which you are made have been around since the dawn of time and will continue to live forever.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“The female crab has an impenetrable shell, she is so hard on the outside and yet so soft within. There is no possible point of access. The male crab must wait a whole year until the female decides to shed her shell to grow a new one. And it is only at that moment of vulnerability that the patient crab can triumph in his love.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“We still run the world as if we are separate from it and not part of it.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“He merely sought a framework, like a coat hanger on which he could hang his life. At least then it might look like a life which was ready to be inhabited rather than a crumpled garment on the floor.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“Wie einfach und zerbrechlich das Leben doch ist, nicht mehr als das Hinein- und Hinausströmen von Luft.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“Well, I once lived in a town full of ambitious people, people who aspired to having, be it wealth or power. It was an unhappy town. Your cause may be more noble than theirs, but nevertheless it is important to know the difference between having and being. If desire burns too strong in a man it will consume him. A man who says he will not rest until he has made a certain amount of money will not rest even then, for his desire will drive him to greater wealth. A man who says he will not be happy until he has obtained a certain woman will seek another once he has had her. I know this to be true because I was such a man. If you are not happy now you may never be happy.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“What if we changed the story that has been peddled to us over thousands of years by those religions that want to control us, that this life is merely a stepping stone to something better or something worse, and that we can only achieve the better by passing through the doors of their institutions and following their rules? What if we trash this arcane story which has caused so much suffering and hostility, and accept that we have already arrived in heaven and that there is nothing more gorgeous than here and now?”
Danny Scheinmann
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“What we learn is that the scientist is as important a part of this experiment as the electron, and that the scientist and the electron are in fact connected. This experiment is the cornerstone of the holistic universe theory.”
Danny Scheinmann
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“It's true I live on hope. Why shouldn't I? Every day I see her beauty while you rot in hell. You will tell me that I'm deluded but we are all deluded in some way. The question is which is the best delusion.”
Danny Scheinmann
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