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Daoud Hari

“What is more important for the world right now than preserving ways of living in balance with the earth?”
Daoud Hari
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“Because of my schooling, my fate would always be a little different from my friends.”
Daoud Hari
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“Did you know that Darfur was a great country long ago, so great that it was both in Sudan and also in Chad? Did you know that the French who controlled Chad, and the British, who later controlled Sudan, drew a line putting half of Darfur in each new nation? Did you know that? What do you care about this line if you are darfur men? What business is it of yours if the British and the French drew lines on maps? What does it have to do with the fact that we are brothers?" The boys were moved by this...”
Daoud Hari
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“However, nothing is all too bad, and there were many good people to meet in prison from all over Africa with interesting stories for us to listen to as we stood through the nights and days, stepping on roaches and scratching lice but at least getting to learning something interesting about other countries and other people.”
Daoud Hari
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“Chad has oil wells, so there are a few grand hotels for rich, who come to quickly take the money away before it ruins the charm of our mud and straw cities.”
Daoud Hari
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“They are among the three hundred million Africans who earn less than a dollar a day, and who are often pushed out of the way or killed for such things as oil, water, metal ore, and diamonds.”
Daoud Hari
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“I know most people want others to have good lives, and, when they understand the situation, they will do what they can to steer the world back toward kindness. This is when human beings, I believe, are most admirable.”
Daoud Hari
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“You have to find a way to laugh a little bit each day despite everything, or your heart will simply run out of the joy that makes it go.”
Daoud Hari
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“You have to be stronger than your fears if you want to get anything done in this life.”
Daoud Hari
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“The best way to bury your pain is to help others, and to lose yourself in that.”
Daoud Hari
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