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Darcia Helle

Dusty corners of the mind intrigue me.

I'm an armchair explorer; book in one hand, mug of tea in the other.

Connect on Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/DarciaHelle

“She had one of those goofy smiles that made you wonder if she was too stupid to know that life sucks most of the time.”
Darcia Helle
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“What's your name?" Jesse asked."Go to hell," the man muttered."Interesting name. Your mother must have been thrilled with your birth.”
Darcia Helle
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“No, when I was a kid I had big plans.” A hint of playfulness crept into Jesse’s eyes. “I was going to be the next Superman. But my sisters got sick of me stealing their tights and I could never figure the damn things out anyway.”
Darcia Helle
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