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Darmie Orem

Darmie O-Lujon originally known as Damilola Ogunremi is a story writer who discovered her talent in a dream. The dream led her to a bookstore where she purchased three exercise books and filled them with a movie story concept "Just Another". Sadly, the manuscript got stolen. But ever since she has transcended from being Just another extreme gifted writer with vivid imagination to a diverse and prolific writer of screenplays, novel, radio play rights, reality based concept scripts, articles, feature stories, short fiction, quotes and poems.

She enjoys being a Columnist Blogger, interviewing film makers, fellow authors from all over the world to create spotlight on their new and old books on her blogs: I Am Darmie Orem and Authors' Curtilage with Darmie Orem. She also tackles educational, inspirational and self-help topics on her blogs.

Her Granny and Dad are her biggest inspiration because they helped her discover her talents and potentials. Her interest in story was awakened when Granny led her to the first set of big books her Grandpa used for his studies in London. The Dad encouraged her to always bury her head and be grounded in the books, reading newspaper, all genre of books and watching news on television because he opined that real power resides with those with knowledge. Her grandparents and dad always told her to be the best and make them proud. Darmie immersed herself, giving up all the leisure activities of teenage hood and twenties in order to achieve greater goals.

In her first novel, Keeper of the Lesser Flame, she closely weaved the story of Heather Shoemaker whose life took a dramatic and devastating down turn due to a curse placed on her by a water deity. In Heather's desperation, she gave her soul as propitiatory to a witch in a quest to turn her life around thus mortgaging her future in a way she never envisaged. The book brought Darmie Orem the international fame she craved, increased her knowledge and connected her to authors around the world. She is currently working on a number of projects: updating the novel Keeper of the Lesser Flame, her second novel Tales of Deborah, and two of her screenplays Pavilion and And Then Came Blood. Her musical single album Good-to be-Good is also under production.

When this multi-talented writer isn't writing or reading, she is putting the rest of her best into her music and film making career.

“Never let the evil people do to you turn you to monster. It can't be all that's left of you.”
Darmie Orem
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“Promise creates a multitude of heartbreaks.”
Darmie Orem
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“One can survive every hurt and move on, except the hatred of a mother formed without reasons, that one could not elucidate.”
Darmie Orem
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“The one who can make full sense of love and lives within its narrow expections undresses no weeping face.”
Darmie Orem
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“High expectations I have. In hardness I labor that, fuller joy at the top I may partake. Nevertheless, in vain I toil. And then, friends'and people's reproach I become, because of my drowning hopes that keeps me out of the circle of richies and honor. I'm the distance they keep like plague, because I have no physical wealth and glamour like them. But in all my stony falls and griefs, the word of restoration in the blood given to me upon the altar of salvation, I cling. For in the end, mercy will attend my situation and see to my hard labor with crown of great success.”
Darmie Orem
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“Discretion is the survival one needs around friends who admires you but hate your hapiness and success, and would do anything so that you are not up to them or better than them.”
Darmie Orem
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“They must have thought I'm moon. Therefore they made known to me their hopes and expectations that is beyond flesh and blood. I'm only the symbol of creativity within the ancient spirits of my great ancestors. All life that never dies in all stormy season. I'm the oak tree in the breath of the warlike heros.”
Darmie Orem
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“It doesn't matter what you don't worth now, but the courage and determination you maintain to achieve something special in your life is all that will count in the end.”
Darmie Orem
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“The River of Baptism I met, my spiritual adoption confirmed. The changing dramas in my life I experienced. The Holy language preceded my salvation found tongue, candidate of heavenly power I'm made.”
Darmie Orem
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“We are the wining fighters we are today because we are the products of rougher times that, didn't break 'self-respect' during tested periods.”
Darmie Orem
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“Now is not time to give up. Tomorrow will be different. Resurrect the strenght in the golden dreams that has brought you thus far. Every misery have its limit.”
Darmie Orem
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“Someplace, somewhere, someone full of dreams is craving to be known.”
Darmie Orem
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“A person who doesn't know exactly what he wants out of life, jumps at everything that appears silver in his way and hold tight onto them to the point degradation.”
Darmie Orem
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