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Darryl Steven Markowitz

Darryl Markowitz is a science teacher, imaging technologist, and passionate speaker on the meaning of life. He hopes to inspire people to examine more deeply, appreciate more thoroughly what they love most.

In his life he has farmed, painted houses, roofed, carpentered, went to school for psychology, philosophy, radilogic technology and science education.

He most loves sitting in coffe shops discussing and listening to people's thoughts. And, of course, when that isn't happening, he loves to write.

His favorite authors are C.S. Lewis and Tery Goodkind- Sword of Truth Series

“It seemed that for every evil they defeated, worse took its place, but Vaughn banished the thought that this all might be a cruel game, a hoax played on the… ''No! I know what true Goodness, true Life, true Love is. Besides, this is too miserable to be a game…unless demons…NO! Besides, even if I was some kind of pawn, well, then this game piece would rebel!”
Darryl Steven Markowitz
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“The problem is, we have too many cowardly, spineless, selfish people that would sacrifice their children’s future just to avoid the sacrifice love requires of them in the present. And they expect their children to respect them for that? Do they think we’re idiots just because we’re young?”
Darryl Steven Markowitz
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“My daughter, people are only used to seeing the glorified in a story, because a story is only a tiny, tiny piece of a person’s life. Legends, sacred writings, they’re all like that. But I assure you, dear child, every one of those people up there on that wall felt like, thought like, and suffered like you!”
Darryl Steven Markowitz
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“Where do thoughts come from, Father?”King Mafferan looked deeply into his twelve-year-old eyes. “While I may not be sure all thoughts are my own, I am sure when I own them.”
Darryl Steven Markowitz
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“Mom, Dad, I’m fourteen, I see what the world is like. And, no, I did not get this from the psychologist...I came to this understanding on my own, from what I really see in myself and about life.”
Darryl Steven Markowitz
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“She scolded him with fire in her eyes, feeling where he was going, feeling as if she was stabbed in the heart. “I wasn’t saying it was bad. Different doesn’t mean bad. In fact, I think you are so . . . beautiful! What you say . . . it makes sense to me in ways I can’t even understand.”
Darryl Steven Markowitz
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