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Dave Horowitz

My name is dave horowitz. I grew up in Smithtown, New York in the 1970s. Instead of paying attention in school I drew pictures of my teachers. Then I went to a famous art college in Rhode Island and studied coloring.

In 1992 I graduated and went to Oregon to play drums and drink coffee. Then I moved to New York City and worked next door to the Twin Towers. Then I learned how to climb rocks and got fired.

Then I climbed rocks.

I moved up to the Hudson Valley and then to California and then to New Hampshire and then back to the Hudson Valley. Then I got a job as a “professional” rock climber. Then I got too old for that.

I still live in the Hudson Valley where I write and illustrate picture books. Also, I'm a paramedic. So far so good…

“To get over artist's block, make shitty art.”
Dave Horowitz
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“The eyebrows are the punctuation marks of the face.”
Dave Horowitz
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“The good news and the bad news are the same: No one cares!”
Dave Horowitz
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“Omigosh—I'm a squash!”
Dave Horowitz
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