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Dave Matthes

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Dave Matthes was born and raised in Swedesboro, New Jersey at the tail end of the summer of 1986. He has attended various colleges for computer engineering, automotive science and criminal justice-like degrees. During the day, he builds and services computer and audio systems for planetariums.

Matthes has been writing for more than twenty-five years. He is a writer of poetry and prose and is the author of more than twenty books of varying genres and styles but is most known for his inaugural literary and autobiographical tome "The Slut Always Rides Shotgun", multiple collections of poetry, "The Mire Man Trilogy", and his on-going post-apocalyptic western epic "The Two Revolvers Saga".

Dave presently lives in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania with his wife Sarah, and their cat Hank and ferret Beethoven.

“I've always felt that distant train whistles heard in the dead of night are the universe's way of letting us know the best days are neither ahead nor behind us...they're happening right now, cradled in the palms of our hands. But that doesn't change the fact that the whiskey, weed, and romance eventually runs out and the night will soon turn to day.”
Dave Matthes
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“She once told me of a night that fumed with escapes and was filled with bedsides reeking of ecstasy; she told me the stars cast not judgments, but blessings, knowing full well the disastrous outcomes of the deeds they cradled with the strings of their young hearts. She’d inhaled the night itself, those around her doing the same, and so all become one. No disharmony. No discordance. Nothing to shatter the cause; nothing to unearth the beauty. So as we together ascended that front porch, allowing the glow behind the blown-out windows and the odious steams plunder us from through the cracks...time forgot to distill us, and our steps became as silver as glass. I could no longer deny the boiling words of my blood: tonight would be the beginning of a very long road indeed.”
Dave Matthes
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“There just isn’t enough cock in this world to be caught suckin’ and be called anything but a slut for life. The cynic in me would call it a bad habit, but that’d make me a whore in denial and if there’s one thing I am, it’s an honest bitch. Then again, you don’t get famous for being daddy’s little angel, but you can easily fall into the Infamy Bracket by preaching a made-up Bible quote now and again. They say I’m shallow, but I’ve made a living out off diving off the deep end.”
Dave Matthes
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“Plans never go as planned, ever; that’s just how life is. People spend way too much time dreaming about a future they should be having more nightmares warning them against. But that doesn't mean you should let those bad dreams scare you away; all those nightmares want is respect. If you give them that, they’ll give you the space you need. Unless, of course, they’re the type of nightmares that have an appetite, then you’re fucked.”
Dave Matthes
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“What's the difference between a woman and a psycho? A woman you can see coming a mile away (both on the streets and in the bedroom)....a psycho....she takes her time to spread her satanical, thorned-wings of feminine injustice until HOLY FUCK WE'RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BOAT.........although actually, there really is no difference, now that I think about it.”
Dave Matthes
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“Of course if you stare at the sky long enough you're bound to get dizzy eventually...the key is harnessing that sense of displacement, never forgetting it, so as to enable one to employ it at will. Simply walking through life without a sense of physical, if not emotional, disembowelment, is not a life worth living.”
Dave Matthes
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“I fancy myself a writer. And writing, in its most eloquent manner, since time became a concept indoctrinated by true troglodytes, tickles my dong; it throttles my flume; it punts my epididymus to horizons fantastical.And not just writing bullshit; a few seemingly overused words to describe the belched bark of a goddamn sequoia, but actually writing. Writing to me is not about thinking, it's not about personality traits or hell, even the conveyance of feelings. Writing is like breathing to me. I have to do it. I have to inhale it and exhale it, no matter what comes in and likewise what comes out. Traversing the slopes of the soul, scratching that all but intangible itch, I find solace in the abyss of my complacency. It‟s not for recognition, not for income or monetary satisfaction. None of that really matters to me. The only thing that matters to me is finding the way to transfer a thought to paper; a heartbeat to the surface; a blink and a gasp to submissively correspond with the outcry of tangible suspense.”
Dave Matthes
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“What is true today may not be true ten years from now; there is more truth, more certainty in the inquiry "What if?" than in the definite "It is”
Dave Matthes
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“Mere faith is the path of the lazy. It is the overused excuse of the deluded. Get off your ass and make something happen yourself.”
Dave Matthes
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“With riddles as black as coals, and answers as invisible as our past, I can only depend upon the crest of the rolling wave I now traversed; a romance worshiped only by the dreamer in us all, a psithurism of trust making its way through the years of our ascension to one day climb above the kaleidoscopic canopy of this mortal coil.”
Dave Matthes
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“Remove the exclamation point, replace it with an ellipsis; the real delusion is believing there is a beginning and an end, an Alpha and an Omega, when really they are just sugar pills force fed in excess by those who crave control, power, and the next form of "obsession". Instead of collapsing with the rest of them, be the one who shatters the mold, breach this world's security and spread the word that there is no end...there is only the horizon and beyond...”
Dave Matthes
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“...a man’s ability to dream is the most sincere form of ambition he has in his arsenal, and the only true glimmer of one’s self one has. And if one is to ever lose that ability, it’s the same as losing one’s self altogether. To reacquire this ability, to gain a new sense of 'self', one must first die...only then can he be reborn, redefined, and ultimately rediscovered.”
Dave Matthes
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“Being smart takes patience. Being wise takes pain. Being apathetic takes practice. Being in love takes everything...away.”
Dave Matthes
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“Music is the love child birthed from the boundless freedom found in dreams and the rapturous opposition faced in life; for that, we should be so grateful for both the light and the dark.”
Dave Matthes
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“When you can no longer differentiate between the insanity spewed onto the blank page, and the madness evident in the all-but shattered mirror...that's when you know you're doing it right.”
Dave Matthes
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