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David Bishop

I was born in Washington, D.C. From there my life likely mirrored that of a lot of my readers. We moved around. I got some education. Played some sports, and got some more education. Prior to becoming a novelist, I worked as a financial analyst determining the value of companies. But let's talk about my current and final career, writing mystery novels.

As a writer, I conjure up occurrences designed to quickly bring the story to a roiling boil. Along the way, I invent people. Victims and villains and heroes are needed, as well as a supporting cast. I make these people fun and interesting so you will welcome them and introduce them to your friends. Primary characters need habits and tics and talents, the qualities that bring them to life and make you love them or hate them. You'll want to see them humiliated or hunted down, be sucessful or seduced.

My mysteries offer you the opportunity to be challenged to find the villain from among the suspects. Clues as large as a log or as tiny as a bump thereon are salted throughout the stories. There are distractions in the form of false clues, called red herrings, which point to someone other than the real villain.

Take a journey with me. Laugh. Hold your breath. Cheer. Boo. The characters are rich and the plots are grabbers. I promise that you'll be glad you came along. Some people don't like golf or chocolate or even a hearty laugh. But I'll bet you like some of those things and I'll bet you'll like my mysteries. Yours very truly, David Bishop

“An onion can make people cry, but an entertaining novel can make people cry and laugh, and smile, and relax.” by David Bishop.“If fast food restaurants sold men, he would be the ninety-nine-cent special.” Maddie Richards in The Beholder.“Money is something about which one can be more principled after they have an adequate supply.” Matt Kile in Who Murdered Garson Talmadge.“I have always had trouble recorking an opened curiosity.” Matt Kile in Who Murdered Garson Talmadge.”
David Bishop
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