I'm an Author, Music Producer, Singer, Songwriter, and Actor living in Los Angeles, CA. You're probably here because I wrote a book called How to Disapeear Completely which now has over 200,000 downloads, but I'm also a musician with 4 main musical projects in 4 different styles.
Alder is my solo project and my diary rolled into one. Ocelot Robot is a high energy rock band you can't help but have fun watching. You I Need you may have heard while at a dance club or shopping in a major retail outlet. Villains for Vixens is a modern day swing/jazz/dixie/folk throwback group.
It's highly recommended to check all of them out.
“The biggest lie a girl will ever tell you is that the size or authenticity of an engagement ring doesn’t matter to her. The truth is that the worth of a woman could be defined by her engagement ring.”
“There is no greater mystery than a love interest when you first met them—so much to learn and so many unknowns. What’s her favorite food? What’s she into? All the things that would eventually be made known in a relationship.”
“It’s amazing how a bed feels more like a home than any other part of a house.”
“It felt as if I was suddenly walking around in wet socks, weighing my feet down as if two kids were sitting on my feet with their legs wrapped around mine.”
“There is always the possibility of a better life with every change that we face, but sometimes we have to look hard for it.”
“Anger at happenstance for its absurd timing. Anger at myself for being so angry. I hate being angry and every time I got this angry it made me more angry at the fact that I was so angry. I realized though that I couldn't really be mad at any of those things.”
“The unusual thing about new relationships is that they innately want to become grown-up relationships as fast as they can. They do this by pulling you to learn everything you can about each other, even though the most exciting part about a new relationship is the mystery of who the other person is.”
“Asking a girl if she's alright is like jaywalking across a black ice-covered 4 lane street: you think you can make it safely to the other side, but you're more likely to slip and fall to a most certain death.”
“Find one correct answer and let the rest disappear.”
“Why should we ever continue anything if the first parts are the best?”
“Maybe it's not love that unites the world, but rather it's broken hearts.”
“A world's full of broken hearts. That's all this is. I wondered if there was anyone above the age of say, 18, in the world who hadn't had their hearts broken at some point.”
“It’s amazing how fast you can run when there’s a f**king rottweiler chasing you.”
“I was always of themindset that whatever will be, will be. We can only just try to control ourown lives, that because our lives are so hopelessly entangled in thechoices of others, we can never have full control over our destiny or fateor purpose or whatever you want to call it. The choices we make defineus, of course, but so do the choices of everyone around us whether weknow them or not. Instead of contemplating what-if scenarios, I alwaysjust tried to accept things.”