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David Green

“There's no question in my mind that we cannot be the best in our field if we're sloppy at anything we do.”
David Green
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“If customers don't find enjoyment and satisfaction by coming into your store, it won't matter if you have the greatest, fanciest, most sophisticated business model in the world.”
David Green
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“I want to be the very best competitor I can be. The Bible says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom" (Ecclesiastes 9:10).”
David Green
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“Focus on people more than money. Without employees and customers, you're going nowhere. Make sure you never stop thinking about the customer's perspective. And make sure you have the right people at the helm of each area.”
David Green
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“Run your business in harmony with God's laws. This will keep you on an ethical footing. Seek to please God in everything you do.”
David Green
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“We're still family-owned, which keeps life a whole lot simpler. When my wife and kids and I decide to make a business move, we don't have to ask Wall Street about it.”
David Green
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“To succeed in retail, you have to love it. The process of bringing items in, displaying them attractively, and seeing them miraculously change into actual cash in the drawer has to get your blood racing.”
David Green
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