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David Lozell Martin

“I have always believed that character is destiny, that if you know someone's true character, you can pretty much map out how your association with that person will unfold. If the person's character is honorable, you will be treated honorably. If the person's character is selfish, then you will have to give more to the person than you'll ever receive.”
David Lozell Martin
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“In the end, all that ultimately matters is what you've done. Not what you've said, or promised, or intended. This is a hard lesson for me because I can talk a great game. I would like talk to count. But it doesn't, not in the final tally. If I've told someone I love her and have not demonstrated my love with fidelity and care and long-term commitment, then in the end, my talk of love matters little. ”
David Lozell Martin
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“I eventually realized that some of us carry a lot and some of us not so much. And it changes at different times of our lives. If your shopping cart is too full, is more than you can maneuver through life, then it's not my place or anyone else's place to say you should've been stronger, been able to carry more.”
David Lozell Martin
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“If it changes your life, it wasn't an accident or coincidence.”
David Lozell Martin
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