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David Mains

David R. Mains has been dedicating himself for spiritual growth development programs that disturb ordinary presumptions. During the year 1967 he built an experimental church in a Teamster’s Union Hall in West Chicago. Some church-planting specialists proclaimed that it can't be done but then with a few supporters, the church has grown from only 27 until 500 for ten years.

Mains' system is advanced that he joined together worship with arts and media. He implement a system to service planning focusing one concept making the entire worship communication into just a single but valuable idea. Lay people were invited and brainstorm sermons and he firmly incorporated that each sermon should include practical ideas so it will be integrated with everyday living as Christians.

During the year 1977, Mains replaced his uncle John D. Jess as Director of a national radio broadcast, The Chapel of the Air. He then started to use religious media that would boost spirituality on every listener.

Mains transformed broadcasting as a service to the local church rather than competing them. He then began to train a team to do on-air voices which includes his wife, Karen Mains.

Several experts again warned him that such a service can’t be done but then he was thrilled when the first Spiritual Adventure he implemented had reach 7,000 participants.

Mains has been a Christian communicator and his passion was always for the local church to experience the living presence of Jesus Christ. A pastor once gave him a gratitude for putting his own personal agenda to serve for the good of the local church.

Now, Mains resigned from the broadcast and created Mainstay Ministries which dedicated to help church leaders and its people by several growth tools and training seminars. He established Team Sundays where every church goer would experience a life changing Sunday. His goal in Mainstay Ministries was to help pastors be effective in preaching.

Visit David Mains Mainstay Ministries the - Sunday Solutions. He also put up several resources for pastors called Sermon Series and Sermon Coach. He also established a mentoring ministry for men and women called Hungry Souls.

“Despite the damaging effects of mounting criticism, we saw some lovely examples of the triumph of the human spirit. Al’s greatest trouble was accustoming his people to the concept that each had been given at least one gift of the Holy Spirit to be used for ministry in the community. It seemed to be foreign to them. For those who actually experimented with expressing what was locked inside there was delight and fulfillment.”
David Mains
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“Fix your eyes on eternity with Jesus.”
David Mains
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“Once upon a time, there was a King who walked astride his world - here, there and everywhere. He became poor in order to be like the people he loved, and he lived among the outcasts in order to feel their pain.”
David Mains
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“Not long ago, two children in Great Park made a quest: a boy who sought a way to talk through the thing he dreaded most and a girl who feared she had lost the One she loved the most. And together they discovered the Kingdom within and without, which all do, who have the courage to make the quest.”
David Mains
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“If there’s no such thing as a king, why such a fuss?... Silence would have helped her to forget, but each protest made her wish all the more: If only there really were a king!”
David Mains
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“So the princess discovered that when one loves a forbidden thing, one loses what ones loves most. This truth is a hard won battle for each who finds it and is always gained by loss.”
David Mains
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“So the two went: the boy who had escaped from darkness because he loved light more than he knew and the girl who had become ordinary because she did not realize how wonderful it was to be a princess.”
David Mains
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