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David Mazzucchelli

David Mazzucchelli has been making comics his whole life. Known chiefly for his collaborations - with Frank Miller on seminal Batman and Daredevil stories, and with Paul Karasik on an adaptation of Paul Auster's novel, City of Glass - he began publishing his own stories in 1991 in his anthology magazine, Rubber Blanket. Since then his short comics have been published in books and magazines around the world. Asterios Polyp is his first graphic novel, and has won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and been listed as a New York Times notable book.

“if the creator of the universe is spending all his time watching you, it must surly be because he loves you.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“Every memory no matter how remote its subject takes place "now " at the moment it's called up in the mind. The more something is recalled the more the brain has a chance to refine the original experience because every memory is a re-creation not a playback.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“But why must choices always lie along a linear spectrum with two poles instead of say among a sphere of possibilities”
David Mazzucchelli
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“Yes here's to the founding fathers—slave-owners, British citizens who didn't want to pay taxes...”
David Mazzucchelli
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“How can we call death-about which we know nothing- the opposite of life, when we barely comprehend life itself?”
David Mazzucchelli
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“...by choosing two aspects of a subject that appear to be in opposition, each can be examined in light of the other in order to better illuminate the entire subject, as long as one doesn't mistake the system for reality.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“What if reality (as perceived) were simply an extension of the self? Wouldn't that color the way each individual experiences the world?”
David Mazzucchelli
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“To live (as I understand it) is to exist within a conception of time.But to remember is to vacate the very notion of time.Every memory, no matter how remote its subject, takes place 'Now,' at the moment it's called to the mind.The more something is recalled, the more the brain has a chance to refine the original experience.Because every memory is a re-creation, not a playback.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“Anything that's not functional is merely decorative.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“Life is stressful,dear. That's why they say "rest in peace.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“How can i hope to succeed when surrounded by flaccid imaginations and puny minds when my head.. My head is filled with NIETZCHE?”
David Mazzucchelli
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“The way the function dictates the form... elegant lines... nothing extraneous... this shoe perfectly expresses the essence of shoeness.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“There are just two things you need to fix here: the interior and the exterior.”
David Mazzucchelli
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“Me? I like wearing a condom. It means I'm having sex. I already spend most of my time NOT wearing one. It's like a tuxedo - I enjoy putting one on for special occasions.”
David Mazzucchelli
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