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David Megill

David Megill has been a pastor for over 20 years, during which time he developed a ministry intending to nurture hope in people struggling with despair, growth in people feeling stuck, and faith in people full of doubt.

Megill was born in a little village called Rotifunk. This little village happened to be located on another continent (Africa) from the one in which he currently resides (North America). No credit should be awarded to him for this bold move, but rather to his parents who happened to be there when it happened. Megill was born the baby of the family, for which he should also not receive credit for all people are born babies. Megill did not know this when he was born but has since learned this after the birth of his own seven kids for which he should receive only partial credit, barely any really, but it is still true that all of them were born babies. This is a fact which his wife Ann finds rather convenient.

Through the next four decades Megill dabbled as a juggler, a magician, a musician, a locksmith, Danny Kaye/Dick Van Dyke wannabe, pizza maker, pizza eater, horse track gate opener (is there a name for that?), thermo-vaccum former operator, dragon tamer (with the business card to prove it!), and various less notable jobs before settling in mostly as a pastor, conference speaker and writer.

Megill hopes his books, in which he rarely speaks in third person will bring you encouragement, hope, laughter, joy and an understanding that you matter to God.

“Faith is about submission and trust, not about will and determination.”
David Megill
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