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David S. Cross

David Cross was raised in Galt (Cambridge), Ontario and enjoyed writing as a teenager and into his early twenties. However, he soon started a family and had to work diligently for the industrial complex selling auto parts and dangerous chemical concoctions. He spent three years living in El Paso Texas, travelling the southwest and working in Chihuahua, Mexico. Now he lives in a mystic village with a shapeshifter, a witch and a large black dog. He works very little and not too hard, practices poetry and wonders why he didn't do this sooner. His work has been published in numerous journals in Canada, USA and the UK.

His poetry is a blend of everyday observations and wild imaginings, intertwining characters and events of his hometown with those encountered during his travels. It speaks dirctly to each of us; to the human condition. Two collections of his poetry: "Colour of Days" and "Saigon, Hanoi or Da Nang" were published in 2007 and 2009 respectively.

He writes continually and often shares his newest works; reading them at public events, before publication.

“It only takes one line, from one poem to change your world...What has poetry done for you lately?”
David S. Cross
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