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David Surface

David Surface lives in the Hudson Highlands in a 160-year-old brick house that he shares with his wife, the author Julia Rust, and two cats, Howl and Greebo (named after Dianne Wynn Jones and Terry Pratchett characters).

David is the author of Terrible Things, a collection of short stories published by Black Shuck Books. His stories have appeared in genre publications including Shadows & Tall Trees, Supernatural Tales, Nightscript, Morpheus Tales, and The Tenth Black Book of Horror, as well as literary journals such as North American Review, Crazyhorse, Fiction, Marlboro Review, and Doubletake. His stories have been anthologized in Twisted Book of Shadows from Twisted Publishing/Haverhill House Publications, Darkest Minds from Dark Minds Press, and Ghost Highways from Midnight Street Press. A story co-authored with Julia Rust, ‘TallDarkAnd’, appears in the Swan River Press anthology, Uncertainties III. His stories have received long-list Honorable Mentions in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year, Volumes 7 and 8, SFEditors Picks, and have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize in fiction. David is also a regular contributor to Black Static Magazine where his column ‘One Good Story’ appears in the Case Notes section.

David enjoys writing, old movies, obscure bookstores, good coffee, bare trees in winter, vintage Halloween decorations, and medieval sacred music, not necessarily in that order. He also enjoys talking with other people about writing––his and theirs.

“When I write an story, I start with one true thing– a memory, an image, a sensation – then I tryto say one more true thing, then another, andanother. By the time I reach the end – hopefully– I've told the truth all the way through. It'sharder than it sounds, harder than it ought tobe. But still worth trying.”
David Surface
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