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Dawn Jayne

Dawn Jayne is an Urban and Paranormal Fantasy author from Indianapolis, Indiana USA.

Dawn was an avid reader from a young age, and her desire to write took hold soon thereafter. She loaded up on creative writing classes and spent most of her time spinning tales in her head and talking to imaginary friends.

Uprising is Dawn's first novel, a mix of fantasy, mythology, spirituality, ancient arts and astrology, all woven together while keeping a foundation in the real world. She hopes her work will be a positive and enjoyable contribution to the Urban Fantasy genre.

Dawn lives with her family on the Southside of Indianapolis.

“It's a far greater friend, one who speaks the truth despite risk of retribution.”
Dawn Jayne
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“What are they fighting about?” Saba listened for a moment and closed her eyed in frustration. “They’re arguing scripture.” “Your brother is arguing scripture? With an angel?”
Dawn Jayne
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“You’ll do fine if you have any strength at all, but listen to your Green angel and give yourself more exit points. You’re in for some rude awakenings in battle, and young souls often retreat under fire. You’ll end up trying to find a shortcut back home and that always makes a big mess.”
Dawn Jayne
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“You have no concept of fairness, apart from your desire to have your own way. I suggest you put that notion from your head, because despite what you believe, the realms will not cater to your whims, and neither will I.”
Dawn Jayne
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“There is nothing about our duties that necessitates like or dislike. You have your purpose and I have mine. That’s the end of the matter.”
Dawn Jayne
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“No, this is wonderful!” Mrs. Hernandez’ face turned into a wrinkle mosaic when she smiled. “It’s not what you give, but the spirit in which you give. That’s what’s important.” Rise was on the fast track to hell, if that was the standard. Her neighbor had trouble with a heavy box, so she reached to help, thinking it might slow her descent into the fiery pit of eternal damnation.”
Dawn Jayne
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“You told me to tell the truth, and this is exactly why I didn’t want to. You want me to think I’m selfish.” “I want you to own your thoughts and actions, and not be afraid of them. Accepting your limitations is every bit as important as embracing your strengths.”
Dawn Jayne
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“Faith can be a greater asset than certainty.”
Dawn Jayne
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“The words were pulled from her, agonizing, like a disembowelment.”
Dawn Jayne
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