Dawn Metcalf photo

Dawn Metcalf

The role of Dawn Metcalf will be played by the tall brunette in the off-the-shoulder, floor-length leather straitjacket. Makeup by Clinique, buckles by Jada Pinkett-Smith, hair by Jim Henson's Creature Shop.

I have no good excuse for the way I write. I lived in a normal, loving, suburban home, studied hard, went to college, went to graduate school, got married, had babies, and settled down in northern Connecticut. Despite this wholesome lifestyle, I've been clearly corrupted by fairy tales, puppet visionaries, British humour and graphic novels. As a result, I write dark, quirky, and sometimes humorous speculative fiction.

Review Policy: My review policy has changed. I am removing all comments and stars from Read books. If it's here, I liked it or loved it (3-5 stars). I brag about books I absolutely adore and share other wild opinions on my website, Officially Twisted at www.dawnmetcalf.com.

“You never know how long you have-there might not BE a later-so don't let things go unsaid or unforgiven.”
Dawn Metcalf
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“//Know thyself.//”
Dawn Metcalf
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“The world snapped open.The world snapped shut.”
Dawn Metcalf
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