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D.B. Reynolds

“Raphael have kids? NODoes Cyn have kids? NOWill Raphael allow Cyn to have kids with someone else? Are you out of your mind?”
D.B. Reynolds
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“She knew the minute HE arrived. Felt the warm blanket of comfort reach out to her frozen soul....He made his way down the isle and sat next to her...he didn't reach out, didn't touch her...a single tear slid out from her closed lids and she blindly reached for his hand. He took her hand in more, gathering her close, arms coming around her warm and strong as her head sank down unto his shoulder and the tears finally came soaking the lapel of his wool suit. He offered her a perfectly white handkerchief...she stared at it and wondered who carries that type of thing anymore? He looked back at her and explained, "I'm old fashioned.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Tread lightly, little one." He warned. "You don't want to push me. Not tonight." Her eyes darkened with anger, narrowing as she met his gaze. "Really? And why is that Raj?"..."I am tired of you thinking you have the right to control me. You are not my boyfriend, and you sure as hell are not my keeper, so from where I stand, you've got no claim on me what so ever. Like the song says, you don't want me for yourself so let me find someone else. It's shit or get off the pot time, Raj. It's now or never, Time to-" She gave a shriek as Raj swung an arm around her waist and lifted her off her feet. He threaded the fingers of one hand through her hair and pulled it aside, freeing the long line of her neck. "Then I choose now," he growled and sank his fangs into the velvet skin of her neck puncturing the fragile walls of her jugular.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Look at me, Sarah." She did. "What ever it is, whatever is going on...it can't be that bad. I'm a vampire sweetheart. I drink human blood on a regular basis. What can you possibly have to tell me that could top that?”
D.B. Reynolds
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“I've done nothing lately that was bad, and YOU are hardly helpless and probably not that innocent either.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Raj leaned over from the driver's seat to give her a quick, hard kiss. 'Don't think so hard sweetheart. I'm not dangerous.' He spun the wheel in a tight circle, taking them past the startled valets and out of the parking lot. 'Not to you anyway,' he muttered.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Raj!' the vampire said, 'I heard you were in town. What's up big guy?'............"'Loose the human, Kent.' Raj growled.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Raphael came through the door like a child's nightmare, his eyes glowing an almost solid silver with wrath, his gleaming fangs fully extended, blood painting his mouth a brilliant red, dripping from his chin to shine wetly against the tattered remains of his black shirt. His huge chest was heaving with the fury of his breath, and his hands curled into claws as his gaze found her and he growled a warning. 'Release her, human.''Who are you? the man rasped, fear taking away his breath, coarsening his voice.'Release her.'The man tightened his grip, 'Come closer and she dies.'Rachael's mouth widened in a terrifying smile, 'You think to bargain with me?”
D.B. Reynolds
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“...Please tell me it's not like eighty degrees in Malibu.""It's not. It's raining, which means the natives are convinced the end is near and are engaged in ritual auto pileups in an attempt to appease the angry gods.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“I have been mastered at last, sweet Cyn, helpless in the face of that most human of failings, I love you.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Did you ever find it?" Cyn asked."What's that?""Something he wouldn't give you?""You know, Cynthia, I did. Very recently,in fact."What was it?""You”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Cyn stopped, drawing a deep breath. "Will you answer the fucking question or not? There's more at stake here than Raphael's Dick" Duncan choked back a laugh.”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Duncan lifted one shoulder. "You may no longer be my lord officially, Sire. But in truth, it will always be so”
D.B. Reynolds
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“So that means you are almost old enough to be my grandfather." Raj laughed, Your great, great, grandfather, more likely, but whose counting?”
D.B. Reynolds
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“Do you think my Cyn would like a souvenir?" he asked Duncan.Duncan leaned sideways to study the dripping organ."probably not, My lord.”
D.B. Reynolds
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