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ویکتور هوگو

After Napoleon III seized power in 1851, French writer Victor Marie Hugo went into exile and in 1870 returned to France; his novels include

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

(1831) and

Les Misérables


This poet, playwright, novelist, dramatist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, and perhaps the most influential, important exponent of the Romantic movement in France, campaigned for human rights. People in France regard him as one of greatest poets of that country and know him better abroad.

“آدم ها در دو حالت همدیگر را ترک می کنند ،اول اینکه احساس کنند کسی دوستشون نداره ،دوم اینکه احساس کنند یکی خیلی دوستشون داره”
ویکتور هوگو
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