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D.C. Grace

DC Grace is a Paranormal/Fantasy author. The Conjuror Chronicles will be her third book series. The story takes place in New Orleans, and features magical people known as Conjurors. Sticking to the rich, French roots of the three-hundred-year-old city, readers will be introduced to supernaturals from French lore they haven’t experienced before, such as the dame blanche and the woodwose. Book one is The Before.

DC’s best-selling Amethyst Dragon series has the distinction of being one of the first series published in the New Adult genre. It introduces its readers to a whole new brand of creature, called the Dragon Fae. Harkening back to the legends of Avalon and Camelot, the series invites you to take a walk back in time, while still being firmly rooted in present day. Book one, Dragon Wings, won best travel read of 2013.

Ms. Grace is also the author of the YA series, The Guardians. With the release of The Sacred Oath in 2010, this series was her first foray into the world of publishing.

DC Grace has been fascinated with all things supernatural since childhood. She is well studied in all aspects of Native American culture, as well as early Pagan and Celtic histories and cultural practices. She's also a lover of music, faery balls, and John Hughes films. New Orleans is her favorite city in the world.

Miss Grace lives just outside Louisville, KY. She shares a home with her husband, one of three daughters still at home, a crazy kitty and a neurotic Chihuahua. She considers herself lucky they let her live with them.

And yes, she does believe in magic...

Find her at www.DCGraceBooks.com or on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/DCGraceBooks/

“You expect me to believe you're a witch? A broom riding, cauldron stirring, poison apple witch? Witches are Fae, Angelina," Dasan mocked."No, you creeper, witches are not Fae. Maybe some are, but there are mortals who practice witchcraft, and I'm one of them!" Angelina almost spit the words at him. "And we don't ride brooms, get real! How Hans Christian Anderson are you, anyway? As for poison apples, you'll be lucky to not get served one in your lifetime! I mean, you and your buddy here turn into giant... what are you... dogs... but you can't believe in a little earth magic? Grow up!""See, this is the kind of conversation that would crop up on like a third or fourth date," I chimed in, unable to help myself.-told by Finley in The Sacred Oath”
D.C. Grace
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“I laughed to myself as I headed for Finley's car. She had no idea what kind of harrassment she was in for, and I was going to enjoy every minute of it. Secretly, she would, too. I knew it. I could smell it on her, kind of like how a dog smells fear. But I'm better than any dog. I had a full half hour to tease and torture her, and I was gonna take full advantage of it. And if I played my cards right, she'd be putty in my hands. She just didn't know it yet." - Jake”
D.C. Grace
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“A warrior knows death is always a hair's breadth away, but he doesn't dwell on the possibility of his death when he goes into battle. A warrior just fights. He fights to protect his family, his home, his people, himself, and often, the good of man. The wolf never gives a passing thought to the possibility of his death. For the wolf, he will fight to the end if need be, solely to defend his territory. Neither of these things are necessarily a reason to enter into battle when you are already weakened. They just are what they are. They live in a warrior's heart, in a wolf's heart. And both, for me, are in my heart.”
D.C. Grace
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