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Deanna Kimberly Burrell

Deanna Kimberly Burrell is a successful businesswoman, marketing maven, published author, and popular speaker. Her first book, Voted “Most Creative”- Perspectives on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness, is a collection of poems and essays that inspire creativity, growth, and self-expression.

Single Girl Summer is her first novel and it’s more than just a story of sophisticated friends having fun in the big city. Single Girl Summer is a celebration of women – yes, their strengths and weaknesses but more than that, their ability to pull themselves up by their designer bootstraps. Both the iconic movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and the hit TV show, Sex in the City, were an inspiration for Deanna when writing Single Girl Summer. She loved the independent, risk taking complexity of the main characters. The leading characters in SGS embody the same spirit as Holly Gollightly and Carrie Bradshaw, but add yet another, all so important element – how their parents helped shape them into the women they are today. Deanna has a keen understanding of how every woman needs a balance of family, friendship, and love in their lives.

Deanna is a graduate of Northwestern University, lives in Chicago, and currently works as a public speaker and marketing specialist. Her public speaking seminars entitled “A Tribute to Black Women” and “Reinvention: My Journey From Corporate Zombie to Creative Writer” encourage college students and women to find and pursue their passions. To contact Deanna, email her at [email protected]. To book Deanna for a speaking engagement, visit

“Trust is not negotiable”
Deanna Kimberly Burrell
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“You never know what someone else is going through”
Deanna Kimberly Burrell
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“Its not healthy to hold onto hurt feelings anger and disappointmnets becuase eventually those things start to eat away at your insides”
Deanna Kimberly Burrell
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