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DeAnna Kinney

DeAnna Kinney is what you could call an eclectic writer at its best. If she can dream it, she can write it. Her main focus is YA Paranormal but also writes New Adult and Adult Romance, Action Adventure, Children's books, and even an Apocalyptic Christian Thriller Romance. She considers herself as fun-loving and a bit peculiar. Besides writing, she loves reading, all things purple, Star Wars, acting like a goofball with all of her friends, and dancing while she cooks (she can see her kids rolling their eyes as we speak). She believes whole-heartedly that chocolates and a good book go hand in hand. And, having experienced it herself, believes utterly in the power of true love.

She lives in the lovely North Carolina with her husband, four kids, and a dog named Link (aka Monster).

She is very hands-on with her fans and thrives on their interaction.

Her upcoming works include:

*Maybe something about Zombies, Bullying, and perhaps the end of the world, although not necessarily in that order.

Visit her on Facebook.

“I huffed, knelt down, and was in the process of gathering them up when I stared, in disbelief, at the paper in my hand. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I was looking at my face drawn beautifully five different times with the emotions listed off under each one; anger, fear, depression, confusion, and awe.” – Charity from Charity Moon”
DeAnna Kinney
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“I mean this is the kind of love people dream about, poets write sonnets for, and well it's the kind of love that keeps people from losing faith in humanity and encourages people to believe that true love still exists and it's still powerful and still wonderful. (Quote from a reviewer of Loving Lily Lavender)”
DeAnna Kinney
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“In one hundred years people will still remember our kind of love; a love that knows no bounds—that surpasses all reason—and will never, never die. (Loving Lily Lavender)”
DeAnna Kinney
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“There is a sweetness to life that can only be tasted when our eyes are truly open to our purpose and calling. The taste becomes richer still when we surrender to it.”
DeAnna Kinney
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“What's the point of having the biggest baddest werewolf as your body guard if you can't boss him around. Kinda takes the fun out of it if you ask me. (Charity)”
DeAnna Kinney
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“Yeah, I’ll believe that the day you give up your lip balm.”I gasped. “Never. Without it my lips feel naked and alone.” (Charity Rising)”
DeAnna Kinney
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