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Debbie Viguié

“Grandmother," Ruth admonished. "I would not have a man who could not at least understand me.""And it looks like you might have finally fond one, heaven be praised." Ruth began to grow irritated. "Grandmother, I wish you would have more faith in me.""I do, dear; it's the men I worry about.”
Debbie Viguié
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“I’m not this girl,” she whispered against his lips. He had to know, this wasn’t her. She didn’t kiss strange men. She didn’t feel this deep hunger inside.“I know you’re not,” he said. “But I am this man.”
Debbie Viguié
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“He was standing in the middle of the room, an arrogant look on his face.“What a night,” Wendy sighed.Without even turning his head to look at her Raphael said, “Sleep.”Wendy fell backward, her head landing on the pillow.“Don’t do that to her!” Susan exclaimed.“You’d prefer to have this conversation with her listening?” Raphael asked, lifting one eyebrow.”
Debbie Viguié
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“How does a whale know when to swim to warmer waters for winter? How do the fish know whe a predator is near? How do you know when love is real? You just know.”
Debbie Viguié
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“You can't recapture your past anymore than you can speed up your future. Stop lamenting summer and stop trying to hurry winter. Just enjoy the fall.”
Debbie Viguié
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“Fall, like the season, like right now. Fall is the transition period between summer and winter. Summer is fun and carefree and cheery. Winter is also beautiful, but it's harder, not as carefree. You're no longer a child, and you're not really an adult yet. You're going through a transition, just like the seasons.”
Debbie Viguié
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“That's the problem with life. It rarely gives you neat decisions wrapped up in shiny paper with a bow on top. Most of the important decisions in life are messy.”
Debbie Viguié
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“It's nine thirty as night, and it's still eighty-seven degrees outside. Besides, this is Southern California. When God makes it snow here, it's not a plan; it's a miracle.”
Debbie Viguié
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“Sometimtes you don't even know what you really want until you get what you thought you wanted.”
Debbie Viguié
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“All of us have a story like that one - some of us more than one. It's part of life and learning. Why, if babies stopped trying to walk the first time they fell down, the whole world would be full of people who crawled.”
Debbie Viguié
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“Half full, half empty - it doesn't matter. It's the same glass of water.”
Debbie Viguié
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“Because I am special.For the moment that was all she had to say. There would be more, much more, but the four words were like four candles, or the arms of the Crusaders' cross she wore on her sleeve. Because I am special.She shut the book and began to blow out the candle, before changing her mind. She sat back in her chair, and watched it glow.”
Debbie Viguié
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