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Deborah Rodriguez

“Look what love does...This was the real Islam, the Islam of love, not hate. Muhammad would be proud.”
Deborah Rodriguez
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“People, even those closest to you, are surprising...Nobody is everything they seem.”
Deborah Rodriguez
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“She wasn't sure who were family & who were friends, and maybe they all were both, and maybe it didn't matter one bit.”
Deborah Rodriguez
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“These new people were her people. So what that she'd only recently met these women. In their hearts they were all the same: women yearning for rich lives, someone to love & someone to love them in return, friends to laugh with, drink with & cry with.”
Deborah Rodriguez
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“There is nothing the Americans can do. Their presence here only fuels the fire of the Taliban hatred. It's as if everybody thinks that Afghans are theirs for the taking. It's as if we're not real people with hearts and minds of our own. It's as if we're animals who need humans to shape us. By Muhammad, I know that if more of us had some education and could read, we would be a mighty force. We could rule our own lives.”
Deborah Rodriguez
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“It was as if you could see into the sky, through it's layers and into it's core. Layers of stars, translucent blanket upon blanket. The beauty was overwhelming. The wind blew her hair, and she willed herself to stop, to breathe, to feel.”
Deborah Rodriguez
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