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Deborah Willis

“She was cruel and lovely and totally awesome.”
Deborah Willis
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“We were raised on lentils, brown rice, Neil Young, and solstice celebrations.”
Deborah Willis
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“We were talking about The Bell Jar, because we were sixteen, and we wanted to be depressed in New York.”
Deborah Willis
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“This boy who made her feel like she was twenty again. Made her feel ridiculous, yes, idiotic. Made her feel crazy and awkward and wild.”
Deborah Willis
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“She wasn't the kind of girl who would come when called.”
Deborah Willis
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“But his lack of artfulness is charming.”
Deborah Willis
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“He knows solitude. He knows its pleasure and its power. He knows it is a home you can occupy.”
Deborah Willis
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“There is nothing like Betty Ford sex.”
Deborah Willis
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