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Deeanne Gist

With over a million copies of her books sold, international bestselling, award-winning author Deeanne Gist has rocketed up bestseller lists and captured readers everywhere with her original, captivating historicals. Her latest release, Tiffany Girl, was touted as a “Must Year of the Year!” by USA Today, was one of the Top 10 Most Anticipated Books of 2015 by Huffington Post, and one of WikiEzvid's 10 Must-Read Novels That Take Place in the Past.

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Published by Simon & Schuster, Gist's awards include a RITA for Best Long Historical of the Year, National Readers’ Choice Award, Best Historical of the Year (RT Reviewers), Librarians’ Choice, Book Buyers’ Best, Golden Quill, Books*A*Million Pick of the Month, Seal of Excellent and Award of Excellence.

Her most recent series takes readers into the heart of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, where USA Today says …

“The historical details are absorbing, never intrusive and always eye-opening ... The characterization is rich and authentic ... The narrative is a treat, the tempo impeccable.”

Gist's credits including People Magazine, Parents, and Parenting. Her entertaining and informative presentations have been featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Deeanne lives in South Carolina with her husband. When not writing, she enjoys boating and keeping up with her readers via and her very active online community on her blog, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and on her YouTube channel.

“Freedom didn’t always equate with coming and going as he pleased. Or to living out in the open. Or to doing whatever he wanted. Sometimes, it was simply a matter of being free to laugh. Free to help others. Free to fulfill his calling.”
Deeanne Gist
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“And so you should.” He again assessed the newly replaced windows and repaired roof, then clapped Mack on the shoulder. “It’s a good thing you’re doing. And if you take time to share your knowledge with the boys, it’ll give them much more than a skill. It’ll give them hope.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Mack stared at him, aghast. “So I’m just supposed to stand there and do nothing?”“That’s not what I said, son. I said you can’t use your fists. Besides, for every Scripture you could recite on defending the fatherless, I could respond with a verse on pursuing peace.”“Peace,” Mack scoffed. “While he’s beating defenseless children?”“I’m just saying, when you attack Sloop it appears you are the problem, not him.”“So just what do you suggest I do?”Vaughan’s expression gentled. “Recognize that the problem is much deeper and bigger than you or even Sloop. And give God a little credit. He doesn’t need your fists to bring Sloop down. He needs your cooperation. So intercede with prayer and petition, trust in the Lord, and keep your eyes open and your hands behind your back.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Tillie studied her mother’s face. The face which had seen thirty-seven years of life. Twenty-one years of marriage. The birth of ten babies. The death of one.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Their daughter scrunched up her hands and legs, waving them wildly in the air. He opened his palm, allowing the babe to kick his hand."Is she like a puppy?"Constance choked. "What!"He looked up. "Will she get her spots later?"Laughter bubbled up from within her as she playfully whacked him on the shoulder. "Yes. Yes, I'm afraid she will. As soon as the sun touches her skin, the freckles will appear."A delicious two-dimple grin spread across his face. "Good. I find I'm rather partial to freckled redheads.”
Deeanne Gist
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“He wants a fifteen thousand pound settlement.""Fifteen thousand!""He says you're a great deal of trouble."She hesitated for one startled moment before choking back a laugh."I am.""I thought so." He leveled Drew a look. "If I pay you the fifteen thousand, do you swear to keep her?"Drew reared back his head. "Forever?"Her father scowled. "Forever.""Oh, I suppose." He gave a long-suffering sigh. "If I must."She bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from laughing outright.”
Deeanne Gist
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“You were kidnapped not?""I was kidnapped.""You were forced not into marriage?""I was forced into marriage.""You want not an annulment?""I want not an annulment.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Oh, they'll never believe a woman could solve such puzzles. They'll just assume I'm humoring you by editing it myself and allowing you to put your name to it."She raised her eyebrows. "But you wouldn't be."He humphed. "They'll never hear me admit it.""I will," she said, a smile curving her lips.He shrugged. "They'll believe me, not you.”
Deeanne Gist
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“That first scream, my lord, was indeed your daughter, my wife, and if you kill me, your grandchild will be quite without a father. Won't you come in?”
Deeanne Gist
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“Lord Randall barreled inside, brandishing his cane in Drew's face."You beggarly knave, I was told this marriage was in name only! Who gave you permission to consummate the vows?""Theodore Hopkin, governor of this colony, representative of the kind, and it's going to cost you plenty, for that daughter of yours is nothing but trouble. What in the blazes were you thinking to allow her an education?"Drew bit back his smile at the man's shocked expression. Nothing like landing the first punch.Lord Randall furrowed his bushy gray brows."I knew not about her education until it was too late."Drew straightened the cuffs of his shirt. "Well, be prepared to pay dearly for it. No man should have to suffer through what I do with the constant spouting of the most addlepated word puzzles you could imagine."-----------------------------------------"I require fifteen thousand pounds."Lord Randall spewed ale across the floor. "What! Surely drink has tickled your poor brain. You're a FARMER, you impudent rascal. I'll give you five thousand."Drew plopped his drink onto the table at his side, its contents sloshing over the rim. A satisfied smile broke across his face."Excellent." He stood."When will you take her back to England with you? Today? Tomorrow?"The old man's red-rimmed eyes widened. "I cannot take her back. Why, she's already birthed a child!" Drew shrugged. "Fifteen thousand or I send her AND the babe back, with or without you.”
Deeanne Gist
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“You next," he said. "Out of those clothes and into bed."She nodded but didn't move from Sally's side. The thought of undressing exhausted her. Where would she find the strength such a task would require?"I'm filthy. I'll ruin the new bed.""I'll bring you some fresh water.""I've no clothes to change into."His grin was downright wicked. "I know."A short laugh escaped her.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Ho! Wise men say, 'He who hath not a good and ready memory should never meddle in telling lies.'"Drew smiled. "I have a good and ready memory.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Sneezeweed, Drew?"He grinned. "Jealous?""Surprised.""Remind me, and I'll have a talk with Gerald. Give him a few tips.""Promise?""Absolutely.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Thought you didn't like red hair."One of Drew's dimples kicked in as he draped an arm about Grandma's shoulder. "Must have me confused with someone else, but I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to most of the older set at some point or other.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Look. Isn't he beautiful?"Drew's expression softened. "Ah, Nellie. He's bald, pink, and has no teeth. What's so beautiful about that?"Nellie's laugh tinkled out like musical chimes while she covered the babe back up.”
Deeanne Gist
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“You could have arrived atop a wildcat and no one would have said a word. They will adore you.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Bitter disappointment pushed tears from her eyes."Now what's wrong? I said you could wear it."She drew in a shaky breath."I w-wanted you to l-like my dreeessssss."He moved his gaze over her."The gown makes my mouth water, love.”
Deeanne Gist
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“Where are you going?""To get my Bible.""Right now? You can't get your Bible out right now! I'm, I'm, we're just about to..."She'd never be able to go through with this if he got out his Bible. She wiped all humor from her face."I believe you. Proverbs 5:18. Rejoice, relish, and romp with your husband."He chuckled. "I'm serious, Connie, and I won't have you feeling ashamed or unclean over anything we do in that bed, tonight or any other night.""I won't. I feel unashamed and very clean. I promise. But please don't get out that Bible.""What? Think you that God can't see us right now?"Groaning, she slid off his lap and covered her face with her hands. He sunk to his knees in front of her, drawing her hands down."I love you. You love me. We are man and wife. God is watching, Connie, and He is very, very pleased.”
Deeanne Gist
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“She hated Mr. Meanie. But she'd gotten to know him and they'd reached an understanding of sorts. Now she was to have him for supper."Don't tell me you're feeling guilty?"Breaking off a piece of the wing, she brought it to her lips and took a bite. It did taste good. Very good."I wonder if all grouchy males are this palatable."Drew choked.She looked up, tilting her head. "Are you all right?"He turned a dull red. "Eat your supper, Connie.”
Deeanne Gist
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