Deeba Salim Irfan has been writing since childhood, ever since she had to leave her parents who were in Iran, to live with her grand parents back in India. This partition from her parents was a gift of Iranian revolution. Angst, agony & anger vented through words took shape of poems and prose that she kept well hidden in her drawers until much later.
Deeba’s 3 books have already been published internationally in the last 8 years. Her first novel, URMA, was published in 2012. The translation in Urdu followed and so did the nomination for an award by Urdu Press Club. Next, a collection of poetry was published in 2016, CHARCOAL BLUSH and was a finalist at the Book Excellence Awards in Canada. A few of her poems have been translated into other languages. Charcoal Blush has received admiration and appreciation from internationally acclaimed literary celebrities including Academy & Emmy Award winning directors. Her latest novel is 355 DAYS, a crime thriller, inspired by true events.
“You make the world come alive. You make the world colorful. You are the inspiration behind all that happens. You are the pillar of strength to many around you, the centrifugal force of your own little world, called family. I love being a women and celebrate being one everyday, hope you all do too!! And to all those who battle their various circumstances, the hurdles, the sacrifices and the compromises they make, wish them all inner strength! Happy Women's Day!”
“UNTRUSTWORTHINESS is a viewpoint. Depends which side of the fence you are viewing from!”
“Tomorrow awaits to become yesterday. Remnant shall only be a smile, a frown or a tear! Let's store what we may!”
“Tread the path one has walked, before stoning them!”
“Love of the written word. Nurture yet disseminate. Accept and respect people with a different viewpoint. Laugh if you must but spare the flint!”
“A tenacious grip on our own ideals, irrespective of hurdles, would propel us towards self-actualization!”
“Blazing? Droplets of thoughts can soothe it all. Don't feel depleted. Bask in the residue. That remains!”
“Reshuffllng of thoughts - facilitates a refreshed perspective to a mental deadlock!”
“Yesterday's tomorrow brought us close....Tomorrow's yesterday pulled us apart again.Between yesterdays and tomorrows, a life lived !We blossomed and wilted, blossomed and wilted again !”
“Entangled cobwebs of my mind keep me awake at night! Need to get back to sm serious writing again!”