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Deirdre Madden

“Dark feelings can become a habit. And if they're strong enough, like many strong feelings, they can even be enjoyable.”
Deirdre Madden
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“There's something almost weightless about our world, I think, something fleeting and insubstantial that's ill at ease with any pretence of certainty.”
Deirdre Madden
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“I realize that a certain school of thoughtsays that who we are is something we construct for ourselves. We build ourselves out of what we think we remember, what we believe to be true about our life; and the possessions we gather around us are supposedly a part of this, that we are, to some extent what we own.”
Deirdre Madden
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“I write about subectivety-and inarticulation-about life pushing you into a state where everything is melting until you're left with the absolute and you can find neither the words nor the images to express it.”
Deirdre Madden
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