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Delia Delaney

Writer of sweet romances, cute love stories, happily ever after, etc, whatever you'd like to call it!

Inspiration comes in many forms, from raising a family to the amazing people I've come across in my life. I love to involve myself in charities, local and abroad, and I've witnessed an array of miracles upon doing so. I'm curious by nature and never stop learning. If someone asks me a question I cannot answer, I'll research it until I can!

I'm thankful for my friends and family-- they always amaze me. I'm especially grateful that they allow me the opportunity to put my thoughts into stories that others can read and (hopefully) enjoy!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my work. I appreciate your feedback.

“He’s like a cookie; rough around the edges, soft on the inside. He’s such a surprising guy.”
Delia Delaney
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