I've been writing since I was a kid but it took awhile to get published-I had to work at improving my craft! Click Here was the sixth novel I'd written, the first to be accepted for publication. It went on to become a bestselling title for the Scholastic Book Fairs/Clubs, won the Colorado Book Award for Young Adult Literature, and was a 2008 Louisiana Reader’s Choice Nominee. I was excited and nervous to write Access Denied, the sequel to Click Here, because so many readers have written to tell me how much they loved it. But luckily my readers have really liked it - whew. Fact of Life #31 won the Colorado Top Hand Award and the Colorado Book Award for Young Adult Literature. My newest book, ROCK ON, which was so much fun to write. Other stuff about me: I'm a Co-Regional Advisor of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of SCBWI and enjoy giving back in that way. I love french fries and can't stand cheese so if you want to make me dinner, leave that stuff out of it!
“Somebody once told me that good friends are like Tootie Pops, if you don't bite them they won't bite you. Erin Swift”