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Dennis B. Boyer

“Remorse overwhelmed the old man. He had indeed been foolish to agree to allow this game to dictate the outcome of their dispute. This was not the way such matters were usually resolved. Not only was the current contest unusual, but there was also a question as to the morality of deciding the matter in this way.”
Dennis B. Boyer
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“The heretic was brought before the Supreme Judge unrestrained, there was no fear that he would flee. The room in which the heretic now stood was thoroughly secured, although the man had no intention of trying to escape anyhow.”
Dennis B. Boyer
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“Drake was a man who retrieved things for people. His reputation was well-known, and people came to him not only for his reliability, but also his discretion. Certainly that was why he was here now, being offered this ungodly sum of money to go back in time.”
Dennis B. Boyer
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“There was a pumping noise which Isaac knew to mean that the toxins had been released. Someone checked the needles and the tubing which had been inserted into his wrists and Isaac saw the thin, clear tubes begin to carry poisonous liquid into his veins.”
Dennis B. Boyer
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“Have I just been born?” asked the machine.”
Dennis B. Boyer
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“I take comfort in knowing that the inevitable passage of time will erase my crimes from history.”
Dennis B. Boyer
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