Dennis Adonis is an Educational Author, Novelist, and Musician, in addition to currently serving as a Contributing Writer on Information Technology for, and a Contributing Content Writer on current affairs for CNN News – International.
He also holds various levels of authoring consultancy commitments with three other content publishers in England, Bahrain, and Barbados, which allows him to write on an extended variety of reader content.
However, in despite of his interest and intellect of varying authoring genres, his expertise is more concentrated on Computer Security Software, and Information Technology Engineering.
He has been instrumental in the contributing development of instructional materials for academic use at the University of Dublin (Ireland) and the University of Antwerp (Belgium), in addition to producing I.T security training content for various Government installations within the Eastern Caribbean region and continental Africa.
In despite of his sometimes controversial past, he had always kept steadfast to his goals, and status as an authority on Information Technology, fictional writing, and even musical arts.
Technically taking a backseat after giving up his various commercial pursuits, Adonis spends most of his time writing novels, and to a lesser extent; – developing and testing computer security software for a range of outsourcing companies.
Now a noted member of the Royal Society of Literature in England, he has penned over a dozen books to date; – all of which are already published, while another three are schedule for release in Early 2013, in addition to a selected book of contemporary poetry which is enlisted for publication in 2014.
In his capacity as an Information Technology Engineer, Adonis has published two books to date, namely; -
(1) Mastering Information Technology V.1 for CXC CAPE (2012), and,
(2) An Introduction to Microsoft Windows 8 (2012)
He has also written specialist storybooks for children in the area of computer science, which includes: -
(1) Tim and the Computer: a computer training storybook for children ages 2 to 4 years.
(2) An Introduction to Computers for Children – Vol. 1 (ages 5 – 8yrs)
(3) An Introduction to the Internet for Children – ages 5 to 8 years
(4) An introduction to computers for children – ages 9 to 12 years
His love for Caribbean literature and Historic writing has also seen him publishing Novels that centre’s on Caribbean culture, such as; -
Boyhood Days Books 1 and 2 (part of a series of 5 books, January 2012).
His additional books (novels) includes;
1 – The Pastor’s Wife (adult romance)
2 – Anatomy of a Serial Rapist (crime, drama)**
3 – Child of a Slave (Historic fiction)
4 – One Night Stand (adult romance)
5 – The Errors of Justice (Legal reference)**
6 – Tales of the Jumbie Man (a Caribbean narrative)
7 – She Loves me Now (adult romance)**
He has also written two eBooks for the Amazon kindle Platform, and which, unlike the others, has not been released as a paperback. They are;
1 -Windows 8 – a plain and simple guide (technology)
2 – Interpreting your dreams (lifestyle)
While by any standards his current listings of books may seem more than sufficient for an Author, Mr. Adonis is still seeking to expand his authoring portfolio in addition to indulging extensively in music recording, which had always been an integral part of his career interest.
However, he is expected to take a temporary break from writing books effective March 2013 to August 2016, so as to allow him to read for a Law Degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Additional information on his books can be found by visiting his alternate website at:
“One of the most foolish of all human philosophies, is to believe that we all have an unavoidable destiny.”
“It is better to be hungry in joy, than to be filled in sorrow.”
“Stay away from any minute of joy that can bring you a lifetime of sorrow.”
“A woman should be mindful that the key to one man's heart does not necessarily fits into the lock of another.”
“A prisoner's shackles would always be a lawyers joy.”
“Saving a worthy relationship is easier than trying to start a new one.”
“Never restart a journey and use the same road that failed you before.”
“An idle tongue is the mother of all conflicts.”
“For a lack of education, a child's future may hold no fortune.”
“Self redemption is the first step to exoneration from guilt.”
“Marriage to the groom does not means that his heart belongs to the bride.”
“Voting is not a right. It is a method used to determine which politician was most able to brainwash you.”
“Life is a journey that gives you the liberty to draw your own map, and choose your own route.”
“People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you.”
“Better to be happy with the cod fish in your plate now, than to linger for the taste of a tuna that is still swimming in the sea.”
“It is better to believe an obvious lie, than to swallow a deceitful truth.”
“Sometimes in order to appreciate your future, you must remember the past.”