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Deray Ogden

Living in a beach house dug into the side of a hill overlooking the high sand dunes of the Bellarine Peninsula in Victoria, Australia, allows the sounds and smells of ocean living to push aside the intrusive influences of city life. The crashing waves, the early morning wake-up call of friendly birds and the fresh, sometimes too fresh, air helps to clear the mind for the massive amount of ideas that hover overhead to be harnessed, considered, filed for future use or just plain spat back out. All this has rejuvenated my imagination and allowed me to write my first novel, SECRETSINCITY.

Of course a story like SECRETSINCITY that is set in the Czech Republic – light years away geographically and historically from where I live – involved my second obsession, travel. The cultural adventures I've experienced with a degree of sensitivity and comprehension is something I hope reveals itself to my readers.

Being my first novel does not mean this is my first attempt at writing – in fact under different protocols, I've managed an original screenplay for a twenty-minute short feature, several magazine articles, short stories (published) and numerous travel narratives. All have been as challenging and demanding as a four-year-in-the-works novel.

“If you only enjoy the journey of writing, that's reward enough.”
Deray Ogden
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