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Derek Hart

Derek Hart is the prolific author of 30 action and adventure novels, known for their historical accuracy, while still maintaining a high level of entertainment. Romance is also a vital part of Derek Hart's trademark style and his novels generally appeal to men and women alike. Mr. Hart authored Secret of the Dragon's Eye, his first novel aimed at all age groups, which met with instant success and outstanding reviews. The author has since followed with Secret of the Dragon's Breath, Secret of the Dragon's Claw, Secret of the Dragon's Scales and Secret of the Dragon's Teeth. The final volume of the 6-episode series, Secret of the Dragon's Wings, will be available in December 2018.

List of published books:

Secret of the Dragon’s Eye

Secret of the Dragon’s Breath

Secret of the Dragon’s Claw

Secret of the Dragon’s Scales

Secret of the Dragon’s Teeth

Secret of the Dragon’s Wings

Claws of the Raven

Danger Cruise

Favor for FDR

Crooked Cross Factor

Tracks of the Predator

For Love or Honor Bound

Tales of the Yellow Silk

Element of Surprise

Seas Aflame

Ice Flotilla

High Altitude Low Opening

Tangles of Truth

Shadows in Replay

Flag of Her Choosing

Tidal Trap

Dangerous (Poetry)

Executive Firepower

The CARLA Conspiracy

The Wreckchasers

Minerva's Shield

Nike's Chariot

Apollo's Plague


Before the Dead Walked

Mercury's Wings

Books coming soon:

Neptune's Trident

Saturn's Fire

By the Moon Darkly

Broadmoor Manor

Tails of Thaddeus

Game Over

The Samuel Clemens Affair

Pearl and Topaz

Enchanted Mesa

Eagle Blue

Last Guidon

Excess Baggage

Operation Sovereign

Primary Weapon


“The universe said, “You’re almost there, just a few more steps.” I agreed and took those steps. However, my definition of the distance was measured in feet, while the universe meant miles.”
Derek Hart
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“Thaddeus Osbert sat in the middle of my office, scrunched over so he could fit. He looked me right in the eye and said, "So, I understand you believe in dragons." I nodded. He sat back and studied me for a minute or two, before uttering, "Yes, you'll do.”
Derek Hart
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“Did I go out of my way looking for trouble, you ask. Well, not exactly. Perhaps it was the inner voice that warned me that someday I would write it all down, so it better be entertaining.”
Derek Hart
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“I've had the immense pleasure of knowing Thaddeus for over 4 years now. In that time I have experienced his incredible powers of observation, his wisdom, and his wonderful sense of humor. Yet he is quick to remind me that he is a dragon and therefore is prone to look at things differently. Oh, and his appetite for ...300+ Krispy Kreme donuts every morning can be a bit trying at times.”
Derek Hart
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“Every day at 4:00 PM, Thaddeus Osbert serves tea. After all, he is a very proper dragon. Two lumps, milk not cream. He hums while playing mother. I so enjoy that time together. His guests are fascinating and we often discuss impossible things.”
Derek Hart
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“There is just one problem, Captain,” the President said quietly. “I can’t order you to undertake such a covert project. It’s dangerous, could get you court-martialed and is probably illegal.” “But you could ask me as a favor, Mr. President,” Brock replied. FDR grinned again, his signature broad smile putting a wonderful sparkle in his eye. “Would you do this for me, as a personal favor, young man?” Brock nodded emphatically. “Yes, sir. It would be an honor.”
Derek Hart
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“I was an engineer with Fairbanks Morse, Mr. President. I helped design some of the engines in their locomotives before the war, but then transferred my knowledge to the engines used in the Grant and Lee tanks, many of which were sent to the British.” FDR was once again intrigued by what he heard. “The engine that pulls my train is a Fairbanks Morse locomotive.”Brock beamed. “Yes it is, sir. Engine 978.”
Derek Hart
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“I have quite a story to tell you,” Parke said with a dramatic flair. “Sit back with that ‘coke’ and listen to the tale I’m about to spin. It’s a grand one, full of action, suspense, intrigue, violence, and even some juicy stuff. Just what a good story should have, don’t ya’ think?”
Derek Hart
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“No tugs, Number One?” the Captain inquired with a definite inflection to his voice. “You’re well aware that I shall receive a complaint upon our return?”Drake shook his head. “I think not, sir. Even the Port Authority will have to admit that Princess Carla was merely showing her best. She has a fine backside and we owe it to her to show it off, now and again.”
Derek Hart
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“Raylene bit her bottom lip, but she couldn’t break the connection, not that she wanted to. “Do you really have to keep addressing me as Miss Capri, even out here?” He nodded, but didn’t hesitate to add, “The only place I can call you by your first name is in the privacy of a cabin.” Raylene’s eyes widened considerably, as she considered what her heart and mind collided to reply. With a nervous swallow, her voice became little. “Then I think we should proceed to your cabin, First Officer John Drake.”
Derek Hart
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“As a wee two hundred-year-old, I decided the south of England was much to my liking. A wee bit warmer and I prefer barbecuing my English sheep.”
Derek Hart
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“Caladfwlch is ‘hard lightning’ in Welsh. The silly French dubbed the blade Excalibur.”
Derek Hart
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“Be careful with that bloody great knife. Last time it was around, some oaf stuck me in the arse.”
Derek Hart
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“Dragons appear to those who believe, and only then if we wish.”
Derek Hart
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“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Thaddeus Osbert, son of Kenelm Osbert, protector of the House of Kane.”
Derek Hart
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